First Nutrient

Discover A Method To Support
Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Glucose Support

Contains a concentrated formula of powerful natural antioxidants scientifically designed to support blood sugar levels in the body.

This breakthrough formula helps naturally awaken the feedback loop responsible for the blood sugar and healing and regenerative potential that’s lying dormant within you.

Glucose Support is made with high quality herbs and vitamins. There are over 15 ingredients in our Glucose Support capsules including Cinnamon, Vanadium, Chromium, Biotin and Guggul. This unique blend provides a wide variety of herbs and vitamins.

Discover A Method To Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Breakthrough for Diabetics

GLUCOSE SUPPORT contains a concentrated formula of powerful natural antioxidants scientifically designed to support blood sugar levels in the body.

This breakthrough formula helps naturally awaken the feedback loop responsible for the blood sugar and healing and regenerative potential that’s lying dormant within you.

Glucose Support is made with high quality herbs and vitamins. There are over 15 ingredients in our Glucose Support capsules including Cinnamon, Vanadium, Chromium, Biotin and Guggul. This unique blend provides a wide variety of herbs and vitamins.

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Benefits of natural herbs in reversing blood sugar level

Diabetes is a lifelong condition that affects the blood sugar and insulin levels in the body. Treatment includes lifestyle strategies and sometimes medication, but some complementary therapies, such as herbs and supplements, may help.

Benefits of natural herbs in reversing blood sugar level

Diabetes is a lifelong condition that affects the blood sugar and insulin levels in the body. Treatment includes lifestyle strategies and sometimes medication, but some complementary therapies, such as herbs and supplements, may help.

The good nutrients in each capsule

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-Lipoic Acid

This super powerful fat-and-water-soluble antioxidant helps support the conversion of glucose into energy in our body’s cells and can help maintain insulin sensitivity. ALA is especially known to raise glutathione levels (the body’s master antioxidant) to those of a younger person. It also acts as a strong anti-inflammatory agent, which helps prevent many degenerative diseases.
Bitter Melon & Diabetics

Bitter Melon

Bitter melon belongs to a subtropical and tropical vine family of fruits. It contains nutrients that have various benefits for people with blood sugar imbalances such as potassium, magnesium and dietary fibres. Scientists have isolated four compounds that work in similar ways to Berberine by activating the AMPK enzyme which moves glucose from your blood to your cells and also regulates metabolism.
Cinnamon & Diabetes

Cinnamon Extract

This sweet and pungent spice dates back thousands of years and was highly prized for its medicinal uses amongst many ancient civilisations. Nowadays, it is the most well-known spice for the purpose of balancing blood sugar. It also has fantastic antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon contains compounds that promote insulin function and allow cells to use glucose more effectively.
Dill Seeds


This is a trace nutritional element that occurs naturally in low concentrations in foods like mushrooms, shellfish and some spices like black pepper, parsley, and dill weed. Two specific compounds in vanadium, ‘vanadate’ and ‘vanadyl’, have been shown to increase the transport of glucose into fat and muscle cells, increase glucose metabolism, speed up the conversion of glucose into glycogen (the storage form of glucose), and slow down the breakdown of fat. 



Chromium is a trace mineral that we need in small amounts to process carbohydrates and fats. This mineral helps regulate blood sugar by working with insulin to help transport glucose into cells. Studies show that a supplemental amount can improve insulin sensitivity, reduce insulin resistance and improve glucose uptake. Natural food sources include whole grains, bran cereals, seafood, green beans, broccoli, prunes, nuts, peanut butter and potatoes.



The mineral zinc helps in the production and storage of insulin.  People who eat a vegan or vegetarian diet (especially those who eat a lot of soya) tend to have zinc deficiencies. Foods that have zinc include fresh oysters, ginger root, lamb, pecans, split peas, egg yolk, beef liver, lima beans, almonds, walnuts, sardines, chicken and buckwheat.


This micronutrient stimulates insulin production to turn blood sugar into energy. Manganese are also known to promote healthy brain and nervous system function.



A daily dose of biotin can help your body to convert food into energy and metabolize carbs, fats and proteins more effectively. The biotin you get in every capsule also promotes healthy hair and skin while supporting your liver, eyesight and nervous system.

Sleep enhancing ingredients

Glucose Support also contains several, sleep-enhancing ingredients because when you sleep, your body goes into repair mode. This is especially important when your body is under stress. Yet the number of hours you sleep means nothing compared to the amount of deep sleep you get. During deep sleep your body is able to balance important hormones, such as cortisol, your “belly fat storing” hormone. A lack of deep sleep elevates cortisol. This means the food you eat can get turned into a dangerous form of fat: visceral fat. This is the fat inside of you that wraps around your abdominal organs.

On the other hand, getting deep sleep keeps your cortisol in check while boosting leptin, your hunger-controlling hormone.

Frequently Asked Question

Glucose Support is 100% natural, safe and effective. Every capsule is manufactured here in the USA in a state-of-the-art FDA registered and GMP (good manufacturing practices) certified facility.

The best results come when you take Glucose Support consistently for 3 months (or longer) to allow time to cleanse, restore and renew. Therefore, we strongly recommend you take advantage of our 3 or 6 bottle discount package.

Just take 1 capsule twice a day, every day with your meal with a half glass of water and you will love the results you will see and how you will feel.

Our products are made in the USA being FDA approved, GMP certified and have went through 3rd-Party Lab testing.

We are based in Utah, USA. Our lab and manufacturing facilities are in the USA under the strict licensing purview of the USA.

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